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Our pets make incredible companions and here's just one very special human-animal bond that demonstrates this perfectly

“Where do I even begin to describe what Milo means to me? I know many dog owners will understand when I say I’d truly be lost without him,” says Louise Hunt Skelley, athlete mentor, commentator and Paralympian. 

“When I’ve felt my lowest, Milo has remained my one constant and reminded me of what truly matters in life. That he needs me and I need him.”

She adds: “There are days when I wouldn't have left the house, but because of him, I have, and it’s turned my whole day around. Equally when I’ve been unwell, he’s unwavering loyalty to not leave my side is what truly gets me through.

“He’s my adventure buddy, best friend and ultimate companion through and through, and I’m truly never happier than when he’s by my side.”


Why is your pet such a great companion? Tell us about them and send us a pic.

#NationalPetMonth: April 1-May 1

#NPM24 #PetPawsitivity

Press Office

For media information, images or to speak to a spokesperson about National Pet Month please contact Taz Thornton or Asha Clearwater at Turquoise Tiger on +44 (0)7920 461 044 or email

Please note we have access to a range of spokespeople via our coordinators, sponsors and most animal welfare organisations and charities who get involved with NPM.

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