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National Pet Month

Welcome to National Pet Month

#NationalPetMonth: April 1- May 1 2025

National Pet Month (NPM) celebrates and raises awareness of responsible pet ownership through our educational campaigns and resources across our various platforms. NPM celebrates pet ownership, sharing the many benefits of our cherished companions across the UK.

Whilst the #NationalPetMonth campaign runs from April to May each year via various media outlets, the important messages that NPM endorses run all year-round. We continue to develop informative and important content for both experienced and new pet owners alike.  

During the campaign month of April to May, we love to hear about fundraisers and events in support of the UK’s many phenomenal pet welfare organisations and charities. This can be individual or larger events, virtual or in-person! Tag us on our social channels below.

National Pet Month 2024: What A Month It's Been!

National Pet Month 2024 has come to an end, and what a month it’s been!

Are You Reading All The Information Provided With Your Pet’s Medicine? Doing So Protects You, Your Pet, And The Environment

Our pets are a huge part of our lives, they help us emotionally, physically, and socially. They can help reduce stress and depression, ease loneliness by providing valuable companionship, encourage exercise which has many health benefits and can even help children develop emotional and social skills. They add real joy and unconditional love to our lives.

National Pet Month's Healthy Feeding Guide: Part 2

Sarah Hormozi, Head of Science and Education for UK Pet Food, shares her top tips on feeding your animal companion on a budget and the correct storage of your pet’s food.

Why Prevention’s Better Than Cure For Our Pets

World Animal Vaccination Day tomorrow (Saturday, April 20), acts as an important reminder of the health and welfare benefits of regular vaccinations and keeping those boosters up to date as part of our overall disease prevention for our pets. In this NPM Guide we show you why prevention is always better than cure for our animal companions.

NPM’s Guide To Dog Parks

With dog parks growing in popularity since the pandemic, NPM’s Asha Clearwater explains the dos and dont’s of using these facilities and what her three canine companions get from the experience.

National Pet Month’s Healthy Feeding Guide: Part 1

It’s week three of National Pet Month and this week we’re focusing on diet and health. During our #NPMLive show across social media last week we chatted with Sarah Hormozi, Head of Science and Education for UK Pet Food, about the importance of good nutrition for our pets. Watch the show at the bottom of this article. With so many types, brands and formats of pet food to choose from, finding the right one can feel overwhelming sometimes so here are Sarah’s top tips to help you find the right food for your animal companion.

Campaign run by…